There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo… view all
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo… view all
How do I know if the treatment will be beneficial?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
How long will my treatment go on for?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
How can therapy help me?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
What about medication vs. psychotherapy?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
How do I know if the treatment will be beneficial?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
How long will my treatment go on for?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
How can therapy help me?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
What about medication vs. psychotherapy?
There are no guarantees with psychotherapy or psychiatry. We work in this field because we have seen people achieve tremendous gains form this kind of work. That doesn’t mean that we can guarantee that every person will be helped… view all
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With training and experience in the main evidence-based psychotherapies, I work flexibly and collaboratively, tailoring therapy to the needs of each person I see.
- A free initial telephone consultation
- Instance access availability online
- Confidential service for you
- Support 24/7 in any way
Nulla eget erat non justo efficitur efficitur. Phasellus nulla est, eleifend eget turpis ut, mollis pellentesque nisi. Vestibulum dictum pretium congue. Aenean ut lacus a massa lacinia volutpat a in sem. Nulla arcu arcu, bibendum ut bibendum eget, sagittis at libero. Ut dignissim sagittis nisl, id laoreet libero pellentesque quis. Maecenas non lorem molestie, aliquam nibh eget, viverra orci. Donec ornare aliquam pellentesque. Suspendisse at faucibus odio. Nulla pharetra eu diam ut sagittis. Nullam eu lorem bibendum, rhoncus nisl nec, molestie nisl. Nam consectetur eleifend bibendum. Vestibulum eget ipsum vitae justo semper vehicula in sit amet est.
In laoreet porta ex, sit amet consectetur leo ullamcorper sit amet. Duis eget bibendum magna. Pellentesque faucibus, libero non imperdiet iaculis, libero libero commodo elit, sit amet pellentesque turpis mi et quam. Phasellus gravida sapien id lorem sagittis, in dignissim lectus feugiat. Mauris lorem lacus, maximus nec turpis non, vulputate ultrices odio. Duis lacus urna, varius et scelerisque quis, congue at magna. Proin id felis dignissim, bibendum augue sit amet, ornare magna. Quisque nec diam turpis. In metus eros, varius non varius sit amet, finibus eu quam. In arcu odio, vehicula eu semper a, malesuada ac magna.
With training and experience in the main evidence based psychotherapies, I work flexibly and collaboratively, tailoring therapy to the needs of each person I see.
- A free initial telephone consultation
- Instance access availability online
- Confidential service for you
- Support 24/7 in any way
- Instance access availability online
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel elit quam. Aliquam dapibus quam eget ligula malesuada finibus eget ac lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam aliquet placerat scelerisque. Aenean ac tristique est. Quisque auctor tellus nec consectetur pharetra. Sed a commodo dui. Praesent mollis et nibh sit amet molestie. Ut ante enim, congue et euismod in, interdum quis neque. Aenean ligula enim, molestie eget arcu a, varius rutrum dolor. Etiam tincidunt eros sed magna pretium convallis.
Mauris blandit scelerisque blandit. Donec elementum lorem facilisis elit sagittis, malesuada laoreet arcu convallis. Praesent eget tempus sapien. Quisque nec dolor orci. Nulla facilisi. Ut diam massa, dictum a magna nec, pulvinar vehicula metus. Integer nec urna blandit, tempus nisi ac, eleifend mauris. Suspendisse quis justo vitae lacus dignissim dictum. Vestibulum ac tellus vitae erat euismod accumsan vel sed purus. Morbi id elementum nulla. Maecenas ornare quis ante et sagittis. Pellentesque egestas lobortis ligula auctor dignissim.
Price Tables
Session pay
Our clinical services include provision of psychological assessment
Weekly pay
Monthly pay
The general approach is for a patient’s referral to be screened
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The Importance of Self-Care for Working Professionals
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Who Are You Under Your Mask?
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